Monday, August 08, 2016


collecting the pieces

I came across a few bits from the end of last year. Not terribly happy stuff... but then again how often is it with me. LOL!

People live.
People die.
Countless perfections gone
In the blink of an eye.
You cannot
Save them.
Mortality will be.
What you can do
Is keep them,


In the tumbled crumble
Of the ruined plan
Can you excavate
The intention
Of my brilliant scam?
I am nothing
I dis-play
I am all in the space
The witty repartee
And the place
The sacred space,
Where one breathes
Between lines
And prays to the gods,
That what we want
Is reality,
And we are
The favored odds.

Lost time musings

He knows my places
My obscure spaces
Where I hide my words,
And yet
I need
To tell you.
I have thought of you
Now and then
For a while.
I had hoped
On this night
Gambling four to one
The stars would align
And guide us
Into proximity.
Would do the rest.
Is why
I shouldn't gamble.

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