Saturday, August 05, 2006


drunken crappy typing drivel

or "A Maudlin Retrospective"


How do you know you love someone?
When you've fought it?
And analyzed it?
And dismissed it?
When you've rationalized and quantified,
dissected and cross-examined?
Smacked it with historical record?
And despite all that effort
they still haunt your dreams,
and those waking moments
when an idle mind will play?
When the thought of them
lightens your darkest mood?
When the sight of them brightens your day?
When you only want the best for them;
they should be happy,
that you wish,
whether or not you remain alone?
But, how do you know
you're in love with someone?
When it's all of those things
and still more?
It is never wrong to love someone.
It is a gift to them and the world.
But, what about falling in love with someone
when you cannot in the least
entertain a chance
since as it happened you weren't born a girl?

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