Friday, June 24, 2005


better for the water

While I daren’t say that I feel perky. I so loathe perkiness. It is a mind far more wakeful than yesterday that tumbles its suspect contents across a clacking keyboard to you. Yesterday I was so desperately tired.

You see, due either to militant impudence or dire incompetence the coal shoveling gnomes in the furnace room failed in their duty. While I must admit I will enjoy doling out their richly deserved punishment, I was not amused that the manse was left to greet the morning painfully bereft of hot water. As immersion in cold water harbors too many unpleasant memories I decided to temporarily forgo the whole experience. The result of this, of course, is despite that my valiant efforts to caffeinate my way to complete consciousness the fog failed to fully lift. It is nearly impossible to get the blood flowing freely without the thermal assistance of a hot shower, especially when I haven’t recently fed. Instead I contented myself with daydreams of pleading wailing gnomes as fitting soundtrack to my luxuriating in endless streams of hot water and steam.

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