Wednesday, March 23, 2005


missing not so much in action as in agitation

Oh my darlings, life has been such an ceaseless whirl of frenzied activity these past several days. From the aggravation of employment centered chaos to the logistics and politics of socialization compounded by the economic impact of gift giving, a few failed attempts at carnal fulfillment and a brief if not entirely concluded dalliance with illness I have had no time accomplish anything of depth.

Thank the deity of your choosing (I’ll thank Annie Lennox and Jack Daniels) that it is for the most part over and I may once again turn my attentions to you, my bubbling little box-lunches. That said, I wish I had something worthy of your patience in awaiting my return. But, I am bereft of import. While it is true that I have in the scant and fleeting seconds between scenes and during my fevered tossings in the sickbed reflected upon this period of stress and frustration I am not sure that what I have arrived at would qualify to anyone as “wisdom”. So for simple lack of anything else to offer I list below the lessons I have learned. Please refrain from hurling rotted produce in my general direction as you will only succeed in mulching your monitor.

While it is frustrating to return from a carnal search and retrieve mission with only a lighter wallet and a more heavily damaged liver it is preferable to returning with both of those and a prize that upon unwrapping reveals things about which you never ever wanted to know.

When your employment situation starts to send you over the edge it is time to seriously consider your options, but health insurance and a steady paycheck should never be tossed away prior to securing their replacements… unless of course you are about to snap in some sort of Fox News friendly manner that would insure your eventual imprisonment… then maybe you should just cut your losses and either quit in a dramatic yet legal fashion or pointedly get fired for insubordination.

Parties are fun. They are of course more fun if one is not hosting. Many people will assure you that they will attend, but do not use their promises of appearance as a carrot to lure other seemingly more recalcitrant potential guests to your event for inevitably the original group of enthusiastic acquaintances will fail to arrive without so much as missive of weak excuse and you will be left looking either a fool or a fraud and neither is flattering.

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