Tuesday, September 17, 2024



You see yourself

In that perverse window

That inverted surface

Studying every crevice

Worrying every wrinkle 


Where the days have gone.

And I tell you

Through this lens

I see

Like all men

You have packed

Those days with living

And stacked those years

Like cord wood

To feed

The blazing glory 

You are today.


Previously posted on Threads



 Dig a hole.

Dig it deep.

Lay a heavy stone.

We do not wish

Him back again.

Not brow

Nor breath

Nor bone.


Written last fall.



Wrote this last October at the Valentin Imperial Maya but posted elsewhere. 


She dances

as though The Sea

were within her.

Calypso calls,

And she responds.

A song and a thrum

Beating at the edges

Of most mortal reckoning.

Yet to her,

The surge and retreat

Is the call

Of an insistent lover.

Rising to meet the rhythm,

She makes it her own.



Of a court

In elemental sway.

Thursday, June 06, 2024


Never underestimate

The terror

Of The Ocean.

She birthed all life,

Swallows our shit,

And keeps her cards close.

A whim

Can sink a ship.

A wound

Can erase a coastline.


What she could do

With intention.

- Written a few weeks ago and previously posted elsewhere.  -


As an unbalanced spin cycle shudders and bangs, thudding its percussive bluster, dissembling to violently disassemble the machine in which its tempest whirls so might one describe the current condition of my mind.

- Written back in April and previously posted elsewhere. -

Monday, April 01, 2024


Barstool musings

 I wrote this a bit ago, but only posted it to one or another of the socials...

I want to stay here.
Slip into
The warmth of my cups,
In this time out of time
And stay.
Warm and happy
On a cloud of music
From everything
That waits outside.

Thursday, December 21, 2023



I welcome the darkness
And embrace the night
That on the other side the light
Of the sun might rise
Sooner bright.
For now let the spirits ride
And mischief let the twilight hide
For longer days
Of the sun's full height
Will once again hem in the night.
When magic turns to summer's dreams
And leaves behind winter's schemes
And nature trades her evergreens
For fireflies and nodding stems
Her snowy mantle for flowered hems
Then I will feed the daylight's pride.
This night
Under sacred dark
We ride!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023



Somewhere in the starlight
Between the black and bright
Twist blue and purple ribbons
Stringing constellations like kites
Lifting diamonds free of coal bins
Warped to weave a tapestry
To write dreams upon the cosmos
With naive artistry
To fasten tight remembering
On the fabric of the night
So though we fear the darkness
We let land slip from our sight

Sunday, October 01, 2023


Salem on October 1st

Here we sit

On the cusp of chaos.

The wind is lost

Sighing summer and singing fall,

Yet the people

In their numbers

Gather as if we all

Are here for their entertaiment,

Not just witnesses to it all.

The spiced and spooky

Pumpkin quest

Of eager minds,

Missing the point

Of a history,

Deeper than judgement

And sweeter

Than the Judas witness call.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


May I Return?


May I return one day?

Bent and old

To sweep the floors

Of the hallowed hall

And the sacred spaces of making

Redolent of sawdust and paint,

Makeup and sweat,

And dreams?

May I hand out programs

And strugglingly direct supplicants and hedonists

to lettered and numbered perches,

Pilgrim's pews or thrones?

May I return?

With middle class purses held up in offering?

Or offering the currency of time

No longer spent toiling for wages?

To give the slippery hours remaining

To the cause of the muses

And maybe

Just once

Step out onto those storied boards

And read a litany of largess

Or an admonishment of flash photography?

May I return?

One last time?

To feel my swelling heart expand

As if to fill the cathedral of dreams,

Thrumming once more

With the all-consuming magic

that is Theatre?

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